Jun 25, 2012

Snow White and the Salesman

Here's a short intermission shoot that I did with some blockmates and new friends over the weekend. I self-declared the shoot be named Snow White and the Salesman because Courtship is just like Marketing.


Jun 19, 2012

The Tides Have Brought Me Back (Cinemagraph)

It hasn't even been 24 hours since we left Seattle and I'm missing it already. The jetlag's kicked in and I've still got that wobbly high from being on a boat for a week, but life resumes its normal schedule. There are just too many stories, and too many photos to share them all but I'll be doing my best to show snapshots of the best parts of the trip. For now, here's the gorgeous scene from the dock at Seattle the night before our flight back to Manila, Philippines (in Cinemagraph!) Enjoy! :)


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